Saturday, March 7, 2020

What Will You Remember?

Google hits the emotion button, but just once please.

Now that everyone has had their say about the amazing Google “Loretta”commercial that aired during Super Bowl LIV. Some found it touching, some found it brilliant, some found it emotional, but whatever you felt it will win plenty of awards.
But now that the Super Bowl has come and gone weeks ago, Google has been running the commercial during regular programming. And I have to say, when Loretta comes on – I just change the channel. It is now slow and tedious as it drones on, to me it is unbearable. This is a “watch it once” commercial - I can’t watch it over and over. I actually start to hate it.

So what is the spot actually saying? Who is the man talking to? His computer? His phone? His Google Home? It is touching, but honestly I don’t get what Google is trying to say to me as a customer and so, what’s the point? Is this man anticipating dementia and knows he’s going to need help remembering his life? I know that’s harsh and hateful, but really, what is Google saying? Upload all your photos to Google? And if Google remembers all these things, does that mean I don’t have to? Now most of you would probably say; you need to go to Google to find out about all these new amazing services. But for me, that’s more work that I don’t have time for.

This is not to say that I don’t appreciate commercials that appeal to the emotions. One of my all-time favorite commercials is the Always “Like A Girl” commercial. I can watch that spot again and again. And I tear-up every time. But the Google “Loretta” commercial does not have that effect.
On the other hand, Google is also now running their new “Find Your Scene” commercial. Now this is a commercial that I can get into. I can relate to this because I’ve done it. And this commercial demonstrates it, has fun with it, and makes me want to get out there and do it myself - again. I can watch this commercial over and over, because each time there’s some new detail to see and pick out. I get it. I get the technology aspect, I get the fun aspect, I get the travel aspect, it just has it all.

I’m a big Google fan, I think they are an amazing company that has lead the way in technology and set a standard for sharing technology that has changed the way we look at such things. So, when I remember Loretta, I wish I could be engaged by her and not annoyed.

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